[Art] Gordon Dalton / Dead Reckoning @ The Auxiliary, Middlesbrough

Gordon Dalton’s psychedelic landscapes and finely tuned sense of place evoke a certain melancholy as if trying to recreate a childhood memory, like dreamy recollections of a not-quite-remembered visit. Clarity always frustratingly just out of reach. A hint of a castle, a sky-bridge in the distance. Sun loungers and carousels. Nostalgia on canvas. The large …

Continue reading [Art] Gordon Dalton / Dead Reckoning @ The Auxiliary, Middlesbrough

[Track] Jodie Nicholson / Move

Pulsing repetitive synths and looping vocals might not be what we normally expect from Darlington’s Jodie Nicholson but on latest single Move she channels her inner Dodie with handsome dollops of Neko Case-esque production and Leeds’ Dilettante’s penchant for experimental musical structures. With a chilled but catchy beat comfortable at either end of the dance …

Continue reading [Track] Jodie Nicholson / Move